About Me
Courses Taught
Professional Bodies
Research Projects

About Me

Full Name:
Contact Number:
03-89212020 Ext: 2058
Department of Accounting & Finance

Academic Qualifications

  1. MBA (Human Resource), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2005
  2. BBA (Management), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2002

Working Experiences

Position Place of Work Start End
Senior Lecturer UNITEN 2013 2024
Deputy Dean CFGS KSHAS, UNITEN 2014 2024
Pengarah Jabatan Pentadbiran KSHAS 2021 2024
Pengurus Jabatan Pentadbiran KSHAS 2018 2021
Head of Department CFGS, KSHAS, UNITEN 2011 2014
Lecturer UNITEN 2005 2012
Tutor UNITEN 2002 2005

Courses Taught

  1. AESB111 - Aerobics
  2. ATSB111 - Athletics
  3. BANB111 - Badminton
  4. ECMF013 - Principles of Microeconomics
  5. ENLF013 - Foundation English 1
  6. ENLF023 - Foundation English 2
  7. FICD223 - Financial Services & Institutions
  8. FICD233 - Investment Analysis
  9. HRLB213 - Performance Management
  10. HRLB214 - Performance Management
  11. HRLB234 - Contemporary Issues in Human Resource
  12. HRLB316 - Staffing and Human Resource Planning
  13. HRLB324 - Training and Development
  14. HRSB333 - Performance Management
  15. HRSB393 - Applied HR Research
  16. HUMB334 - Performance Management
  17. HUMB354 - Compensation Management
  18. HUMB384 - Contemporary Issues in Human Resource
  19. LWBD113 - Business Law
  20. LWBD123 - Company Law
  21. MGMB113 - Principles of Management
  22. MGMB214 - Human Resource Management
  23. MGMD123 - Principles of Management
  24. MGMD223 - Business Ethics
  25. MGMD273 - Human Resource Management
  26. MGTB213 - Principles of Management
  27. MGTD123 - Introduction to Business
  28. MGTD213 - Principles of Management
  29. MGTD224 - Management Practice
  30. MGTD294 - Human Resource Management
  31. MGTF013 - Introduction to Business Management
  32. MGTP023 - Pengenalan Perniagaan II
  33. MOSB122 - Moral Studies II (LAN MPW 2153)
  34. PNGB113 - Principles of Management
  35. PNGB243 - Human Resource Management
  36. PSMB363 - Performance Management

Professional Bodies

  1. Malaysian Institute of Management: - 2007

Research Projects

  1. Antecedents and Consequence of Client Satisfaction
  2. Development of UNITEN Integrated Human Resource Policies, Procedures, Systems and Practices: Gap/Discrepancy Analysis Approach
  3. High Performance Work System: Linking HR Configurations to Employee Motivation and Retention
  4. Pedagogical Techniques in Teaching – Learning of Mgmt Subject: Preferences and Perceived Performance
  5. Personal Characteristics, Occupational Stress and Turnover Intentions Among School Teachers in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  6. Service Quality, Client Satisfaction and Loyalty: Gap Analysis Approach in Malaysian Engineering Services Firms
  7. SHRM and Knowledge Management Capability: Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing Company
  8. Teaching-Learning Effectiveness of Management Subject-More Than Talk and Chalk


  1. Shahrul Nizam Salahudin, Sabihah Bte. Hitam; Personal Characteristics, Occupational Stress And Turnover Intention Among Secondary School Teachers In Negeri Sembilan.; Asian Symposium On Educational Management And Leadership; Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Educational Management and Leadership organized by Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; 18 Aug 2007; Conference Proceeding; None
  2. Sabihah Bte. Hitam, KAMILAH BINTI SEMAN, NORLAILI BINTI A.RAHMAN; Principles Of Management (Mgmd123); Principles Of Management (Mgmd123); Type :Teaching Modules,Source Name :Teaching Module, Volume :1, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :1, Page End : 176, ISSN :-, Publisher :-; 02 Jan 2017; Other; None