UNITEN Terbilang
Sayup mataku memandang
Lambang gedung ilmu yang terbilang
Di sini kita julang cita-cita berjuang
Untuk mencapai matlamat cemerlang
Tegak gagah di Malaysia
Dengan warga yang berbilang bangsa
Di sini kita julang cita-cita berjaya
Cita yang mencapai kelas dunia
Kan ku bawa obor menyala
Ke seluruh tanah melata
UNITEN berupaya menjana profesional
Diiktiraf dunia antarabangsa
UNITEN pusaka tersayang
Kerana jasamu sungguh gemilang
Di sini kita julang cita-cita berjuang
UNITEN gedung ilmu yang terbilang
Composer : Datuk Suhaimi Mohd Zain (Pak Ngah)
Lyrics : Mohd Kamal Abdul Latif Hj. Abu Bakar - UNITEN Staff
Solar Ranger : Our Icon

The UNITEN Solar Car project was initiated back in 2003, after UNITEN’s winning streak in the World Solar Challenge in Australia under the Solar Cycle category. At that time, it was considered to be a big challenge to design, build, test and race a high performance solar-powered car which was new in Malaysia.
The UNITEN homegrown Solar Rangers, which has become a Malaysian success story, were the brainchild of Mr. Halil Hussain, Assoc. Prof. Ismail Said and Dr. Nazaruddin A. Rahman, with the help of students and lecturers from various engineering disciplines. This collaborative work links academic knowledge with applied real-world situations that spurs creativity and innovation.
The consequence of this project nurtured innovative learning with leadership training for Malaysia’s next generation of professionals and leaders. Moreover, the project pushes the envelope of knowledge in promoting sustainable technology and at the same time inspiring the community towards a better and sustainable future. The team’s continuous hard work and perseverance successfully evolved the first Solar Ranger a.k.a. Solar Ranger 1 (SR1) into Solar Ranger 2 (SR2) and the upcoming Solar Ranger 3 (SR3).
The SR3 will be participating in the upcoming World Solar Challenge which starts in Darwin and finishes in the city of Adelaide in South Australia with an accumulated distance of 3,000 km. The success story from SR1 and SR2 has lead UNITEN to declare the Solar Ranger car as the university’s official icon effective 15 August 2014 until now.