Contribute to YCU


Mode of Contribution



Classification of Contribution


Corporate Contribution

Financial aid for education

Engage with corporate donors to contribute to Education Financial Aids.

Endowed Chairs

Endowed projects

Industry collaborations

Encourage industries to be involved in specific research and development projects that foster collaborations and thus develop intellectual properties and commercialization.

Individual Contribution


Encourage individuals to be part of the donation drives in building endowment fund.

Monthly salary deduction scheme

Promote individuals to donate through a monthly deduction scheme via banking instructions or salary deduction. 




Fulfils some of YCU’s deepest human needs.

A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others especially by the generous donation of money to good cause.


Proof of transfer must include the followings:

  1. Name and identification of the payer/customer
  2. Date of transaction
  3. Amount transferred
  4. Reference number/code of transfer


Contact Us

For further information, please email to or contact at this number:

Majdah at 03-8921 2056 or

Nor Azira at 03-8921 2054 or

All cash donations to YCU, donors are eligible for tax exemption under sub-section 44(6) Income Tax Act 1967. Select from the various mode of contribution and start making a difference today.